Autumn Leaves
Warm breath upon cold window
panes, October's drawing
boards, Well-shaped peekholes
making frames, For little
eyes to see outdoors.
Yellow leaves dance to the
ground, Mixed with oranges
and reds, Then brownish
leaves come tumbling down,
Like crumbling ginger-bread.

The earth, it seems, changed
over night, To warming,
nut-brown hues, The bite at
night ... a pure delight,
All signs that Winter's due.
Small, wary birds gird-up
to leave, Busy squirrels pack
their nests, Curling smoke
from chimneys seen, Earth
withdrawing ... time to rest.

Not quite Winter, though
Summer gone, Fall leaves are
nature's treasure, The Lord's
carpeting, laid down, To
bring small folk much pleasure.
The child in all comes out to
play, In those wondrous leaves
of Fall, With Winter just a
day away, Come quick ...
before snowfall.
Written by Virginia (Ginny) Ellis
Wishing You a Blessed Autumn