Purest Love
I never knew, in all the world,
Such a love as this,
I never knew, in all the world,
Such love could so exist.
My heart lies in that bassinet,
My life - my soul - my being,
I smile; my baby laughs at me,
His precious eyes are seeing.

The scent of heaven on his breath,
The Lord's reflection in his eyes,
Mary's smile upon his lips,
Whispering angels in his sighs.
Sweet baby boy - my pride and joy,
My love is unconditional,
Too deep for simple words of mine,
Trite thoughts are unforgivable.

You're the celebration of my life,
The purpose of my birth,
The presentation of your soul
Surpasses all my aims on earth.
My heart, my love, my flesh and blood,
God has sanctified our bond,
Unbroken through our life on earth,
And through eternity beyond.
~Virginia (Ginny) Ellis~